Data Collection and Privacy Policy
This website collects personally-identifiable information of visitors, limited to IP Address, for access logging purposes to detect security threats. Logs are deleted after four days. Access to the logs is limited to the employees of organizations contracted by the Antje Graupe Pryor Foundation for the purposes of maintaining the website, and is only accessed as needed to identify and fix security threats.
This website uses Google Analytics to track the number of visitors we receive, as well as non-personally-identifiable information about them, in order to better understand the users of our website. You may avoid this data collection by disabling the use of cookies and JavaScript in your web browser if you choose.
You have the right to request the removal of any of your personally-identifiable information on this website. Please contact us by e-mail and we will confirm the deletion of the information in question, or verify that it is not on the website.
The contents of any e-mails you send to us may be stored and/or deleted by any individuals associated with the Antje Graupe Pryor Foundation. Their contents will only be used to respond to your specific inquiry.